Halfway Through April


We are a little more than halfway through the fourth month of the year. I feel like 2024 is zooming by and I need it to slow down just a bit. I am slowly getting back into wrestling training (a major goal of mine) so I am ecstatic about my journey. I am not only refreshing my memory but also learning so many new techniques in class. It feels amazing to be back and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I am looking forward to seeing where this takes me.

Also, I started off this month by attending WrestleMania 40 which was an exhilarating experience. Philadelphia will definitely see me later on in the year. The city has so many food spots and places to explore that I know it’ll be good time even outside of a wrestling event. It has been almost 2 weeks since I returned and I am still on cloud 9 looking at photos and videos. This year I met so many superstars I cannot believe it. I am impatiently waiting for WWE to announce next year’s location. I heard they were shuffling between Minnesota and Las Vegas and honestly I am rooting for Vegas. I never been so WrestleMania would the perfect excuse and I feel like the theme would be better.

As April is slowly coming to an end, I am preparing for Lupus Awareness Month! I am to May as Mariah Carey is to December! I pop out for May with the extravaganza and then go back into hibernation once June rolls around. I am looking forward to this year with new ways to spread awareness and advocate for Lupus. There are a few Lupus events in May that I am excited to attend.

April has been a bit better for me regarding my mental and physical health. I am just taking each day at a time and not rushing my stride. At times we can compare our lives and lanes to others, but there is no traffic in your lane. Everything that is meant for you will come just stay focused. My main goal is to upload on YouTube once a week until I am up to date. I am actually blown away with how much content I have! I am working my way through editing which has been really fun. I have a few more goals I want to check off before this month is over and I am sure I will achieve them. April has started great and I know it will end great! Be on the lookout for news and more announcements once May rolls in. Until next time!

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